About the group

The Delta Whiskey DX Group was formed at the beginning of 2014.

The actual launch of the group occured at a later date, and on the 28th of June 2014, the official website went live.

The callsign "Delta Whiskey" was chosen from the original name of the group, the Dutch Windmills DX'ers.

Windmills are concidered to be something typically Dutch, and we wanted to name the group after something which has been a part of the Dutch culture and landscape for many years.

Everyone is welcome to join the group, you don't have to live in The Netherlands to become a member.

* Life membership to the group is free! *

This is also the reason why we have made the website in English, to be able to attract a wider range of members worldwide.

We wish you all lots of DX fun on the airwaves and hopefully we will speak to you all "on the air" in the near future.



Delta Whiskey DX Group +31 155 33 145 (sms only) deltawhiskeydx@gmail.com